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Friends and Family

The last 12 days were simply great. I had the pleasure of sharing my small - but cozy - bedroom with some of my greatest friends and family.

André came from Dublin to spend the weekend.

Hugo and Mafalda came to visit me once again for a week.

I took this picture.
But credit is due to Hugo Sereno for the post-processing.

At the end of the week, after they left and before my cousins arrival, I took the time to share some pints with Wolf while sunbathing and telling life stories. The weather was great on the 8th of April

My beautiful feet sunbathing at Princes Gardens.

Edinburgh always seems to surprise me, and this time in a very funny way. While we were chilling, a drunk guy appeared out of nowhere running away from a cop, still hanging on to his beloved wine bottle.

After jumping - he barely made it, really - that very same iron fence in the picture above, he thought he had outrun the cop. But no, the policeman had simply gone down the stairs instead of cutting through the grass.

It was very entertaining to see the fugitive slowing his pace, going for a sip, looking up towards Princes Street to make sure the policeman had quit the pursuit, and not seeing the cop actually catching up with him from behind.

From left to right: me, Raquel, Francisco, and Anita.

My cousins brought me 2 ‘chouriças’ and 1 ‘alheira’. Thank you so much.

Surely, I took them to Arthur’s Seat. And of course, being the traditional Portuguese people we claim to be, we took a blanket, a ‘Porquinho’, rubbing alcohol, and we grilled one of the chouriças on the summit just before the top peak.

It tasted like life…

Me and my cousins on top of Arthur's Seat.
Credits to Wolfgang Merkt for the picture.
Aaaand... from another perspective.
Again, credits to Wolf.